Post-Show Evaluations
- During or following the selection of Critics' Choices, Critics will score a Cappies Show by using Post-Show Evaluation Forms, for Play or Musical, as appropriate.
- All Critics will score each Critics' Choice.
- All Critics will score the same Critics' Choice (i.e., the same named individual or group) in each Category.
- Each Critic will score independently, and may not consult with any other Critic when determining Scores.
- Critics may not score a Critics' Choice low for the reason that the Critic did not think that Candidate should have been selected.
- Each Critic's Post-Show Evaluation Scores will be preliminary only, and may be freely changed when casts Award votes, entirely at the discretion of the Critic.
- In scoring Post-Show Evaluation Forms, Critics will apply the following ten point scale:
10 – Sensational, professional quality, definitely the best show you have ever seen
9 – Superior, almost professional, possibly the best you have ever seen
8 – Excellent, among the best you have seen
7 – Very good, well above average for a high school play
6 – Good, a little above average for a high school play
4 or 5 – About average for a high school play
1 to 3 – Below average for a high school play - In scoring, a "10" will be extremely rare, "9" will be rare, and a "5" or "6" the most common score.
- Each Critic will score in a manner reasonably similar to other Critics.
- For any individual Cappies Show, a Critic may give any Evaluation Scores.
- Across all Cappies Shows scored by a Critic, s/he will be encouraged, but not required, to maintain a Mean Evaluation Score of between 5.0 and 6.0.
- In Award Voting, a Critic's votes will not be accepted if, across all Cappies Shows scored by that Critic, his/her overall Mean Evaluation Score is lower than 4.0 or greater than 7.0.
- Each Critic may make notations about intended Award or Nomination Points on the Post-Show Evaluation Forms.
- A Mentor may not influence, comment upon, or otherwise discuss Post-Show Evaluation Scores, at any time.
- Before leaving, each Critic will submit a completed Post-Show Evaluation Form to the Editor Mentor.
- When a Critic has completed and submitted a Post-Show Evaluation Form, s/he may leave.
- If a Critic fails to submit a Post-Show Evaluation Form before departing, for any reason, s/he may thereafter submit it by mail, email, or fax to the Program Director.
- After leaving the Cappies Show, Mentors and Critics may not discuss Post-Show Evaluation Scores with anyone, at any time.
- If an Advisor, Show Director, or Mentor becomes aware that Post-Show Evaluation Scores have been revealed, they must advise the Program Director immediately.
- Any Critic who reveals Post-Show Evaluation Scores is subject to sanctions from the Steering Committee, including suspension or removal from the Roster.
- Within 3 days after the Cappies Show, the Editor Mentor will deliver, mail, or fax all Post-Show Evaluation Forms to the Program Director.
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